Monday, March 14, 2011

ICANN 40 San Francisco Meeting - Sunday 13 March

First time attending an ICANN meeting and the word is overwhelming. The meeting is being held in WestIn Hotel right in front of Union Square, San Francisco and with roughly around 1600+ delegates, it's a sea of particiapants. It's a long meeting and you can find the meeting schedule in the following link.

As an ICANN Fellow, the day started with introduction of other fellows from various countries, overview of ICANN, ways and means of remote particiaption , policy update workshop and New gTLD basics, ccNSO finance working groups workshop, for some time was in the GAC meeting, at the cocktail sposored by Neustar and finally ISOC San Francisco Chapter hosted meeting and ISOC Chapters Meeting. The time by which I could rech my hotel room was past 9PM.

There are many acronyms in the ICANN world and I am still getting used to it however, there are few which have a rock solid work going on inside them.

Watch this space for a daily update on the meeting and also I will be posting on the various topics which are being discussed at the international level.

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